Being and Such

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Hang in there
Monday, December 14, 2009

In this series, I explain just how long you have to hang in for something to become what it is meant to be!

To start with, I will use my own example of learning how to run. Now I know you sit there laughing as you think: "Who doesn't know how to run?!" Well, I don't mean run like Phoebe from Friends, I mean to run with good form and purpose. I want to run like I am a leaf gliding in the wind.
So where did I start? Like any smart woman, I began with the shoes! I went to New Balance had my feet measured, my gait examined and I left with a shiny, new pair of 760's.

I am fortunate enough to have a treadmill at home so within minutes of entering my abode I had my water in hand, iPod in ears, cute workout outfit on and motivation to move my feet. As I stepped on my treadmill a sudden dread filled me. I can't run! I get winded "running" back from the mail box to get out of the cold. I can't walk in my own house without stubbing my toe on a fixture that was clearly there before me. What am I doing on a machine that can incline above my hips and can move as fast as a golf cart?! I wanted to run away, an ironic statement for my predicament. But, I braced myself and hit the start button before I could stop myself.
The first nights were always the same. Excitement followed by fearful resolve anchored 20-30 minutes later by sweaty exhaustion. On the fourth night, I stepped on the treadmill as usual and was surprised. It was not a laziness demon I faced that night in my cold basement. In fact, all I felt was excitement. It could have been my newly developed addiction to endorphins. But I like to think it was my desire to keep trying and eventually get to where I can run in public without the fear of people stopping whatever they are doing to point and laugh at how ridiculous I must surely look.
The lesson here is: Hang in there! No matter how daunting a task appears, with practice anything is possible!
posted by VCooper @ 7:15 PM  

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Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
About Me: I am an aspiring writer
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