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Zombie Invasion: iPhone
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

In this series, I discuss how everyday items may help save you during the Zombie invasion. Although when it comes to zombies, I make no promises!

What should you bring this time?

Your iPhone.

In order for this to work, I must first dispel a few myths and make some broad assumptions. But in predicting the zombie apocalypse, I feel like I can take a few liberties!
First, don't assume in the chaos that all connectivity will be down. Yes, some networks may be unavailable but unless the undead decide they want to take down some towers, we should be ok. In larger cities there will be much more destruction but, being in a large city means certain undeath no matter what.
Another assumption we must make is that what remains of the government will not take over the networks for their own communications. If this does happen, we are likely s.o.l. anyway.
Why choose the iPhone? Besides the obvious option of being able to call someone, there are many things the iPhone can do that makes it worth having. Here are a few apps that you will definetly need:

  • Facebook: You can update your status, explaining where you are hiding, what supplies you have etc etc.
  • Twitter: Twitter would be great for coordinates, which is about all you will have time for!
  • Compass: You should always know which way you are going :)
  • Maps: This application is probably one of the most important you have. It will guide you through the dangerous streets, possibly even pinpointing other iPhones in the area.

Don't forget the very best part about the iPhone, it's an ipod too! Sometimes you just need a little music to calm yourself down. And frankly, if I am dealing with vanquishing the undead, I want to jam to some "Living Dead Girl" by Rob Zombie! Just remember that playing music saps battery life.
There are downsides of depending on your iPhone for survival and they are looming. First, you will need constant electricity and that may prove very difficult. We all know at its best, an iPhone only holds a charge for about 36 hours. You could adjust settings like your sound and brightness for maximum efficiency.
Second, the iPhone is very fragile and may not fare well in an environment with lots of running, hiding, skirting, shooting and crying.
Finally, and this one is probably the most dangerous concern, someone without one may just take it. We all know that some people only care about themselves in the current urban jungle. This lack of compassion would only become worse with zombies amoung us.
This brings up a question that would only be asked in such dire circumstances. An iPhone will be a rare commodity, what would you trade it for? Many a psychologist has considered the connection of technology to the psyche and I doubt they would have an answer. When you have run away from everything and probably everyone you have ever known, would you trade away your last connection to the world you have known?
To stay safe during the zombie scourge, have your iPhone fully charged, loaded with useful apps and tunes, and you may just make it.
posted by VCooper @ 3:01 PM  

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