Being and Such

Feed the Fish
Current Projects:
  • Blogging
  • Preparing for Graduate School
  • Researching how to get published!
  • Planning an awesome trip to Europe
  • Eating brains
Blog Better!
I am a self-taugh blogger. You can be too! Here are some sites I use regularly to help me hit that post button with confidence!
Friend's Projects!
This is where I showcase all the cool things my friends are doing! Our current feature is Ali Sabin! Feel free to visit her site: AliSabin Designs
In the News
A page in my book of life
Friday, November 20, 2009
I am taking a page from my cousin Stephanie and have started this blog. I find that I think of these amazing ideas but I have no real outlet for them. So, it is here that I will communicate them. What does this mean for you? Book reviews, recommendations, short stories, lots and lots of bad grammar and maybe a chuckle or two (if I am lucky!)

What do you get right now? Just a taste of the first installment of:


If you like the Twilight Series,
you will enjoy Scott Westerfeld's Ugglies Trilogy!

This story has a strong female character,
A role some of us 20-somethings are using to live out our lives through.
No? Maybe it's just me then,
but I have my doubts.
Tally, starts out as an Ugly.
Maintaining the typical social contexts that the titles indicate, entangled in a party and technology based Utopian future, this girl becomes a woman before your eyes.
While there is typical teenager angst and doubt,
there is much more invested in this character.
Of course all this makes the love story,
dare a say love triangle,
that much more entangling.
A smooth blending of empowering woman themes,
with a hint of nerd.
This series does a great job of carrying the reader through monumental life events as though you are experiencing them yourself.
Westerfeld allows the character to grow, make mistakes and then redeem themselves, all while enticing you.
The ending of this series is perfect literary genius. Putting to rest the story lines that deserve it and maintaining the reality that life will move on after we are done reading. A sad truth for such an addicting series.

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posted by VCooper @ 2:06 PM   1 comments
Our New Blog!
This is going to be an adventure.
Or a mistake.
Either way, we have arrived!
posted by VCooper @ 10:58 AM   0 comments
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About Me

Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
About Me: I am an aspiring writer
See my complete profile
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