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101 Songs You've Never Heard Before!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Everywhere I go by Lissie

This is one of those songs that you picture yourself hearing at a pivotal moment in your life. Some songs have that affect, intended or not, and they are the ones I enjoy most. Maybe it's because it's rare for a song to have that effect on me, or maybe its because we all share our suffering on some level. If I am one of those people whose life flashes before my eyes before I die, this song will be in that soundtrack.
Maybe I give music too much power in my life.
But listen to this refrain:

Angels will call on me,
and take me to my home.

The words themselves are hopeful, accepting of the inevitable.
But Lissie's voice, how can you not be stirred?
By the end of the song, she is also shouting this same refrain at you.
Begging you to see the reality of her truth.
And I buy it, every second.
But why else would we listen if not to be moved, touched by a strangers creation?
This song was featured on the last episode of Dollhouse. I have choosen not to post that video, despite how powerful it is, since I don't want to ruin the series for anyone. So instead, I offer you this video.
posted by VCooper @ 1:40 PM  

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Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
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