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101 Songs You've Never Heard Before!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Sia's Breathe Me

This is a song you can get lost in,
almost drown in.
Every note is drawn out to the very end of the second,
almost redefining time.
And it's effect is accompanied by some of the most vulnerably beautiful lyrics I've heard.

Sia's drag on the chorus, extends through the

Breathe me....

and with its end, you take a breath, and break a little yourself.

The rest of the song involves your recovery from the unabashed reality of her voice.
Never have I felt a song go through me,
much like a breath.

The last two minutes involve belting out sounds, which can only be the reality of her emotions.
Where there are no words,
only powerful sound.
The release felt afterwards, when your heart is still racing.
And as those last fits escape your lungs,
you feel the eventual release.
A climax without any physical connection.
And almost when it seems like it has gone on for far too long,
she ends her anguish, and a little bit of ours.

The video below is not my preferred version of the song. There are several versions of the song, and I prefer this live version the best.

This is a really great fan art video:
posted by VCooper @ 2:28 PM  

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Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
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