Being and Such

Feed the Fish
Current Projects:
  • Blogging
  • Preparing for Graduate School
  • Researching how to get published!
  • Planning an awesome trip to Europe
  • Eating brains
Blog Better!
I am a self-taugh blogger. You can be too! Here are some sites I use regularly to help me hit that post button with confidence!
Friend's Projects!
This is where I showcase all the cool things my friends are doing! Our current feature is Ali Sabin! Feel free to visit her site: AliSabin Designs
In the News
Friday, April 16, 2010
Ohhhh Spring, I have been swept away with your promise of life! Flowers are blooming and I am in the mood to plant! And since I can never do anything small (I fear that is a sign of my slight Napoleon complex), Micah and I planted a huge garden! We planted 10 rows of yummy goodness and hope to begin seeing real results next month!

Last October, I planted tulip bulbs and fruit bushes and they all survived the winter! I took and edited this picture of my purple tulips with my iPhone.

As the garden begins to really thrive, I'll post more photos and information! In the meantime, stay green!
posted by VCooper @ 10:50 AM  

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Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
About Me: I am an aspiring writer
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