Being and Such

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Why I live in the country
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

We recently bought our first home. With the economy, we were fortunate enough to have quite a few options about where we wanted to live. Ultimately, I convinced my husband we needed to live away from town, in the country. I based my decision more on the house than the location. While I could go into detail about crown molding and other such accoutrements, I would rather talk about one of the unexpected bonuses of living where I do: the scenery.
In Fall, I witnessed the most beautiful landscapes as the leaves changed from being green with life, to decaying yellow, and then deadly brown. But, it was beautiful.

In winter, the barren trees against the blue sky makes for a very picturesque drive. I enjoy starting my day by watching the sun slowly rise outside my bedroom window. Taking our girls out has become more of a treat rather than a chore (except when its cold and rainey). With a little over 2 acres for them to frolic in, I have no doubt they appreciate our choice in where to live as much as we do. If only they would pitch in on the mortage!

We witnessed our first true thunderstorm within a few weeks of moving in. The sky was completely dark, and then sudden flashes of white light would fill the sky and almost blind our eyes. To see the raw power of nature like that was nothing short of amazing. There were no building to obstruct our view, no traffic sounds to dull the sound, it was just us and the storm. Here is the video:

While I think you can make any place your home, ours is exactly what we never knew we always wanted.
posted by VCooper @ 3:53 PM  

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Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
About Me: I am an aspiring writer
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