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101 Songs You've Never Heard Before!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Keep Yourself Warm by Frightened Rabbit

In all fairness to this song, I could have picked several other Frightened Rabbit songs and been just as happy. They are a recent discovery and I consider myself fortunate to have found them!

So why pick this song? Well, I just love the chorus :
It takes more than fucking someone you don't know to keep warm

How can you not see the harsh reality of a statement like that? It's a reminder that some comforts are really only physical. Whether temporary or permanent, some need connections that go beyond carnal desires.

Another of my favorite refrains is:
I'm drunk I'm drunk
And your probably on pills
If we both have the same diseases
it's irrelevant girl!

This song is one of those with unapologetic lyrics and a great melody. If you enjoy it, check out the whole album: The Midnight Organ Fight

posted by VCooper @ 1:59 PM  

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Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
About Me: I am an aspiring writer
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