Being and Such

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Remembering: February 25th, 2009
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Amazing, that is the only word I can think of when I remember this day. Where Dad was able to triumph above his fragile, expiring spirit and was proud of what he had done with his life. After 29 years of service in the United States Air Force, TSGT Michael Rico was retiring.

He woke up with very little prodding that morning and had no hiccups until well after everyone left. Dad and I had trouble finding an outfit for him that was comfortable, we went with a blue and white button down (untucked for comfort) and blue pants. I forced him into his slip ons because at that point they were the only shoes he could wear.

Although Dad looked as sick as he was, his smile was bright and hopeful. Kipp, who is an amazing woman, was our military liaison and helped organize the day. Dad's fellow soldiers piled out of a van in their military dress blues, and stood at attention outside the front door.

The ceremony itself was not terribly long, a presentation of a flag and medal shadowbox was done. Dad made a short speech, and in it he explained that while he didn't know how long he would still be with us, he was going to keep fighting. With these words, everyone in the room was moved to tears. He was a dying star letting out his last bits of light for the world to see.

After everyone left, a friend of Dad's took some pictures of Dad, Elizabeth, Micah and myself on the couch. While these pictures show how difficult it was for Dad to smile, they are still one of my favorites. To my knowledge, those were the last pictures ever taken of my Dad.

Later that night, after everyone had gone home and it was just me and Dad again, he decided it was time to prepare his own dress blues for their final wearing. We laid them on the bed and together we pined his name, pressed his tie, and made sure his shoes shined. I did most of the work, making the process take much longer than necessary. I was in no hurry though to lose that moment. Dad beemed with pride, and it was the most life I had seen in days, or would see ever again.
posted by VCooper @ 10:31 AM  

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Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
About Me: I am an aspiring writer
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