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Wednesday, March 10, 2010
If you liked Frisky Dingo from Cartoon Network, then you will like FX's new show Archer

Archer is one of those experiments with cartooning, in which the characters themselves are more realistic than ever. The show highlights vanity, selfishness, jealousy and utter insanity as the prominent inclinations of all the major players. Frankly, it is hilarious!

First, let's talk cast. There are several folks from Arrested Development including the lovely Judy Greer and classically funny Jessica Walter. You also have some famous Cartoon Network voices including Amber Nash and H. Jon Benjamin to round out the funny.

As for the story line, it's your typical white guy spy that makes tons of mistakes in his life and somehow escapes blame. Of course, his ex-girlfriend is in black ops and dating an accountant from their work. Typical cheeky love triangle but with the hilarious twist of all the characters being completely crazy.

Jessica Walter plays Archer's mother Mallory and is by far my favorite character. She does a great job of playing a snotty bitch but that is the only real character comparison between this role and her previous one as Lucille Bluth.

Currently, there are 5 episodes available on Hulu. Happy watching!

posted by VCooper @ 10:24 AM  

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Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
About Me: I am an aspiring writer
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