Being and Such

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In the News
Remembering: February 22nd, 2009
Monday, February 22, 2010

This post includes one of my favorite moments with Dad, and not just because it involves ice cream. Dad's diet was limited and depended on a delicate balance of pain medicine and luck. Late that afternoon, Dad had decided that he wanted a Strawberry milkshake from Baskin Robbins. Well, the closest one was 40 minutes away. So, we hoped in the car and Dad drove us there.

This was the last long drive Dad and I went on, and I think somehow we had known then what it meant. Dad had always been a driver, and he explained that he was comfortable in the seat. So we drove and talked about all kinds of things. I asked him what his favorite place to visit was (Rome), what his favorite song was (Bad to the Bone) and other such markers. I didn't know it then, but I was looking for other ways to connect with him once he was gone. Little things that would flood my memory with his smile and laughter, maybe make the heartache not so sharp.

By the time we got to Baskin Robins, Dad could only have a few sips of his milkshake so I did what any daughter would do and helped him finish it.
This day was also filled with hiccups, hours and hours of them! I scoured the Internet for some sort of remedy, but all I got were half-hearted suggestions and very strange ideas. The hospice nurse explained this was likely being caused from the cancer that was now spreading like wildfire. So, we just kept Dad dehydrated, oxygenated and calm.

By now the television had been delivered so we watched Shooter on bluray. If you have never seen this movie on a huge television in bluray, you are missing out! You could see the grass moving on the screen, you could see individual facial hairs! It was nothing short of amazing and Dad loved it!
posted by VCooper @ 10:56 AM  

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Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
About Me: I am an aspiring writer
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