Being and Such

Feed the Fish
Current Projects:
  • Blogging
  • Preparing for Graduate School
  • Researching how to get published!
  • Planning an awesome trip to Europe
  • Eating brains
Blog Better!
I am a self-taugh blogger. You can be too! Here are some sites I use regularly to help me hit that post button with confidence!
Friend's Projects!
This is where I showcase all the cool things my friends are doing! Our current feature is Ali Sabin! Feel free to visit her site: AliSabin Designs
In the News
Europe Bound!
Monday, April 19, 2010

I have always wanted to travel abroad but have been too scared, until now. I am a creature of habit, and I don't travel well even when I know everyone I encounter will speak the same language as me(or some version of it). But come September, I will be dealing with international airports and a foreign rail system.

In honor of 4/20, I'd like to talk about the first part of our trip:

I know several people that have been, and what they remember is this amazingly friendly city! It appears to be this interesting mesh of history, culture and acceptance, a far cry from Georgia. Not only am I going there with some of the best people I know, but I am spending SEVEN nights in this delightful adult playground!
Other than the obvious attractions (cafes, shows, museums) there are a few places that I am extra excited about.
Bloemenmarkt or Flower Market

This is a very large flower market right by the Singel Canal. This seems like the perfect combination of two very lovely things: flowers and canals. I suspect I will hop into a gondola while there and enjoy the view from the water!

Albert Cuypmarkt

According to, this is the best place to go "if you want to experience the 'real' Amsterdam at its multicultural best" (which I do!). Ideally, I would like to visit all kinds of markets like this and try some very interesting foods. As a lover of cheese and spices, these places will be like Mecca.

Artis Zoo

This is the third largest zoo in the world. There are over 2000 fish in the aquarium and the African savannah exhibit is world renowned. Having recently read Life of Pi ( a must read!), I am interested to see how I will view the animals in the zoo.

posted by VCooper @ 2:51 PM   0 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
Ohhhh Spring, I have been swept away with your promise of life! Flowers are blooming and I am in the mood to plant! And since I can never do anything small (I fear that is a sign of my slight Napoleon complex), Micah and I planted a huge garden! We planted 10 rows of yummy goodness and hope to begin seeing real results next month!

Last October, I planted tulip bulbs and fruit bushes and they all survived the winter! I took and edited this picture of my purple tulips with my iPhone.

As the garden begins to really thrive, I'll post more photos and information! In the meantime, stay green!
posted by VCooper @ 10:50 AM   0 comments
101 Songs You've Never Heard Before!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Everywhere I go by Lissie

This is one of those songs that you picture yourself hearing at a pivotal moment in your life. Some songs have that affect, intended or not, and they are the ones I enjoy most. Maybe it's because it's rare for a song to have that effect on me, or maybe its because we all share our suffering on some level. If I am one of those people whose life flashes before my eyes before I die, this song will be in that soundtrack.
Maybe I give music too much power in my life.
But listen to this refrain:

Angels will call on me,
and take me to my home.

The words themselves are hopeful, accepting of the inevitable.
But Lissie's voice, how can you not be stirred?
By the end of the song, she is also shouting this same refrain at you.
Begging you to see the reality of her truth.
And I buy it, every second.
But why else would we listen if not to be moved, touched by a strangers creation?
This song was featured on the last episode of Dollhouse. I have choosen not to post that video, despite how powerful it is, since I don't want to ruin the series for anyone. So instead, I offer you this video.
posted by VCooper @ 1:40 PM   0 comments
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About Me

Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
About Me: I am an aspiring writer
See my complete profile
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