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Thursday, June 3, 2010


I enjoy watching British shows, mostly the Office, IT crowd and similar comedies. So, it took me a while to really get into Torchwood. It's sort of the British version of the X-Files. Only instead of David Duchoveny playing the hot main male character, we have John Barrowman as Captain Jack.

Let's start with Captain Jack since he was the character that made me fall in love with the show (and him). His character pushes the boundaries of what we once called Metrosexual. He will go from hitting on a beautiful woman, to checking out a gorgeous man within seconds. But his character really shines around another, Ianto Jones. Together, these men weave a love story that isn't meant to represent gay or straight traditions of love. Rather, as Ianto says in the Children of Earth miniseries: It's just him.

Another character that makes the show is Gwen Cooper. Although I'll admit that at first I hated her character. I'm an American television snob so I struggled to get past her quirky mannerisms and the gap in her teeth. Superficial I know. She plays the typical former cop thrown into a mysterious world who struggles with her newly found knowledge. But unlike some many other female characters of this type, you actually buy what she is selling. While Jack is the glue that keeps the team of Torchwood together, Gwen is the one that gives them true humanity.

I don't want to go into too much detail and ruin the show for you, so go watch it! If you dislike the characters at first, know that they grow and become better. Be comfortable enough with your own sexuality to not be uncomfortable with Jack's and you will be hooked!

This post is for my friend Tiffany who kept bugging me to watch this show!
posted by VCooper @ 4:25 PM   1 comments
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Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
About Me: I am an aspiring writer
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