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101 Songs You've Never Heard Before!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
In this series, I will discuss in no particular order 101 different songs that are wonderful, and that you have probably never heard of!

Carnivore by Jewel

This is one of my personal favorites. I, like many others, fell for Jewel in the 90's with Who Will Save Your Soul. Her raw voice and effortless lyrics seem to enliven the spirit. My discovery of Carnivore was accidental, uncovered while searching for another song.

Within seconds of the first words, I was in love! It begins with Jewel's classic coarse vocals accompaning lovely verse. This song is about heartache, the bitterness that follows betrayal. She melodizes the classic feelings surrounding a break up, including the awkwardness and anger.

The chorus is my favorite part of the song. Jewel belts out her proclamation to the world that she "will never trust (her) pink, fleshy heart to a Carnivore". You get the sense that this is a caveat for others dealing with similar beloved beasts.

The last minute include a tirade that is my personal shield in the battlefield of love.Jewel affirms :
Well I didn't know
But I won't do it again
This time I'll be my own best friend
And I'll take back my song and my poetry
This time i won't be so easy to read

If by the end of the song you don't feel empowered to preserve yourself from the torment someone may inflict upon your heart, you weren't listening!

posted by VCooper @ 9:35 AM  

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Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
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