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Taking Time
Monday, February 8, 2010

In this world of hurry, hurry I have decided to dissent and do things on my own time. This isn't as easy as you might think. It's a fine line between over eagerness and laziness. There is always the assumption that you are getting to a grand goal, but when have people every been happy with where they currently are in life?

It's understandable where this drive started from. Life is about moving forward, continuing to improve, learning more, becoming better. Everything is designed around this idea of more, which makes sense if you want a society to be motivated. Then the Internet arrived on the scene and gave us everything we wanted at our fingertips. Google became a verb, a easy way of finding any answer you seek. Cell phones invaded our lives and with that the circle of connectivity was complete. We are now all on the fast-track of life, accessible to everyone from almost anywhere.

Television and other media sources have not helped us any. We expect life's problems to be solved in 20-40 minute intervals because television has trained us to expect that. We anticipate finding out enough information in a 30 second commercial to make a good decision. Life's most difficult decisions shouldn't have an egg timer on them. Some shouldn't have a timer at all, except the one you make.

Well, I have been trying to take life at my own pace, a little rebellion in a big world. My journey began as an unconscious one. It started with my enjoyment of sites like in which you get one deal a day(unless it's a woot off!). This slowing down has expanded into me not defining things in such strict time lines. I am a very excitable person, so when I am really motivated I want to finish things as quickly as possible. I find my stress levels go through the roof if I can't finish quickly, especially if I have to wait on others for input. My rushing sometimes results in the sacrifice of a better product for the sake of accomplishment. While in some settings it is appropriate to finish quickly, this shouldn't be a philosophy of life. I wonder if one underlying cause of our economic troubles is the assumption of continued growth?

The point of all this, take a deep breath and relax. Let some things wait a few minutes or a few days. In the end, I don't want to be so consumed with getting everything done so quickly that I small details. Don't let this be an excuse to not get things done but rather to do things when you are ready to do them.
posted by VCooper @ 10:58 AM  

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Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
About Me: I am an aspiring writer
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