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Monday, February 8, 2010

Looking for that good guy voice accompanied with a lovely melody? Then you will love Greg Laswell.

I discovered Greg Laswell when "And the You" was played on Grey's Anatomy. One of my favorite ways to discover music is through television shows. You usually get 15 seconds or less playing the background of some dramatic scene, but that can be enough for me to fall for a song.

Mr Laswell has a deeper voice than you would expect for such soft melodies. "Comes and Goes(In Waves)" is a great example of how well this combination works. In the first few seconds, his voice almost disappears behind the instruments. As the first chorus concludes, his voice begins to dominate all sound. However, he provides only enough power to seduce the mind and drag you into the song. A wonderful four minture experience.

My favorite song is his rendition of "Your Ghost". The song itself is beautiful no matter who sings it, but Greg Laswell's voice brings a bit of magic to it. His intonations bring a sense of true sorrow and a hint that we all have ghosts. I find myself listening to the song over and over again.

Interested in hearing more? You could go to iTunes and pay $.99 a song. Or, you could create a playlist here !
posted by VCooper @ 2:10 PM  

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Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
About Me: I am an aspiring writer
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