Being and Such

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Friend's Projects!
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In the News
Remembering: February 7th, 2009
Sunday, February 7, 2010

This was an exciting day, because Dad was released from the hospital. No more paying to park, white walls, sick people or really gross food. The doctors came by in intervals explaining where he had to go the next few days for tests and that we would know more soon. But their tone meant that this knowledge would provide little comfort. They only wanted the numbers to show what they already knew, my Dad was dying and there was nothing more to do.
I got up early that morning and picked up my sister to come with me. We went to the hospital and waited for the nurses to check all Dad's vitals. He would light up anytime a new nurse came in so he could introduce his other daughter, Elizabeth. He always loved introducing us to people, particularly women. I used to think it was a way for him to hit on women. Now, I realize it was because he was always proud to be our Dad.
The swelling in Dad's legs had moved to below the knees. This made it uncomfortable for him to walk. But when they said he could go, he moved like lightening to get out of there. He wanted to go home and rest so my sister and I decided to go back to Athens. Dad insisted on driving himself so he kissed us goodbye and sped out of there. This was the last time Dad would be in a hospital. And as he drove away, I knew that. And instead of being happy that he was driving away, I was moved to tears. Doctors save lives everyday, but they weren't going to save his.
posted by VCooper @ 6:53 PM  

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Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
About Me: I am an aspiring writer
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