Being and Such

Feed the Fish
Current Projects:
  • Blogging
  • Preparing for Graduate School
  • Researching how to get published!
  • Planning an awesome trip to Europe
  • Eating brains
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Friend's Projects!
This is where I showcase all the cool things my friends are doing! Our current feature is Ali Sabin! Feel free to visit her site: AliSabin Designs
In the News
101 Songs You've Never Heard Before!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Sia's Breathe Me

This is a song you can get lost in,
almost drown in.
Every note is drawn out to the very end of the second,
almost redefining time.
And it's effect is accompanied by some of the most vulnerably beautiful lyrics I've heard.

Sia's drag on the chorus, extends through the

Breathe me....

and with its end, you take a breath, and break a little yourself.

The rest of the song involves your recovery from the unabashed reality of her voice.
Never have I felt a song go through me,
much like a breath.

The last two minutes involve belting out sounds, which can only be the reality of her emotions.
Where there are no words,
only powerful sound.
The release felt afterwards, when your heart is still racing.
And as those last fits escape your lungs,
you feel the eventual release.
A climax without any physical connection.
And almost when it seems like it has gone on for far too long,
she ends her anguish, and a little bit of ours.

The video below is not my preferred version of the song. There are several versions of the song, and I prefer this live version the best.

This is a really great fan art video:
posted by VCooper @ 2:28 PM   0 comments
101 Songs You've Never Heard Before!
Keep Yourself Warm by Frightened Rabbit

In all fairness to this song, I could have picked several other Frightened Rabbit songs and been just as happy. They are a recent discovery and I consider myself fortunate to have found them!

So why pick this song? Well, I just love the chorus :
It takes more than fucking someone you don't know to keep warm

How can you not see the harsh reality of a statement like that? It's a reminder that some comforts are really only physical. Whether temporary or permanent, some need connections that go beyond carnal desires.

Another of my favorite refrains is:
I'm drunk I'm drunk
And your probably on pills
If we both have the same diseases
it's irrelevant girl!

This song is one of those with unapologetic lyrics and a great melody. If you enjoy it, check out the whole album: The Midnight Organ Fight

posted by VCooper @ 1:59 PM   0 comments
Famous Pug
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Soon, my pug Sabra will be famous. Why? Because she is in a book:

see more dog and puppy pictures

Pre-Order your copy today! While I won't make any money, maybe this is the begining of Sabra's career as a famous, black pug!
posted by VCooper @ 1:04 PM   0 comments
If you like...
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
If you liked Frisky Dingo from Cartoon Network, then you will like FX's new show Archer

Archer is one of those experiments with cartooning, in which the characters themselves are more realistic than ever. The show highlights vanity, selfishness, jealousy and utter insanity as the prominent inclinations of all the major players. Frankly, it is hilarious!

First, let's talk cast. There are several folks from Arrested Development including the lovely Judy Greer and classically funny Jessica Walter. You also have some famous Cartoon Network voices including Amber Nash and H. Jon Benjamin to round out the funny.

As for the story line, it's your typical white guy spy that makes tons of mistakes in his life and somehow escapes blame. Of course, his ex-girlfriend is in black ops and dating an accountant from their work. Typical cheeky love triangle but with the hilarious twist of all the characters being completely crazy.

Jessica Walter plays Archer's mother Mallory and is by far my favorite character. She does a great job of playing a snotty bitch but that is the only real character comparison between this role and her previous one as Lucille Bluth.

Currently, there are 5 episodes available on Hulu. Happy watching!

posted by VCooper @ 10:24 AM   0 comments
More Posts Coming!
Monday, March 1, 2010

The Remembering Project ends today. While it was an amazing journey, I am excited to move on!

    More posts will be coming soon from a few on going series including:
  • If you like...
  • Zombie Invasion
  • 101 Songs you've never heard before!
  • What I'm Reading Now

Have a CD, movie, television show or book you want reviewed? Submit a request to me!

I will also be working on including more of my own visual media into my posts, I like to keep things interesting!

If you have not officially registered as a follower of this blog, please do so now! Soon, you'll be able to say you knew me when!
posted by VCooper @ 9:53 AM   0 comments
Remembered: March 1st, 2009
This is the only day I will post after Dad's passing. Not because there is nothing to say, quite the opposite, but because when I envisioned this project Dad was the focus. I have enjoyed posting these memories in ways I never thought possible. Not only was I able to process what happened, but I was also able to have conversations that might not have occurred otherwise. That makes all this worth it.

As the snow covered the ground and others celebrated, I mourned. I made final plans, and I tried not to throw up on anyone. The reality of my loss had made my body rebel against the world in strange and uncomfortable ways. I was surrounded by people, but still felt endlessly alone. The comfort people tried to provide sometimes stung since I knew they were thankful it wasn't them. They didn't have to pick a casket in a cold, empty room. They didn't have to tell those too far away to come the sad news. They didn't have to write a eulogy. They didn't have to bury their Dad.

But, I also discovered something that only appears in situations like this: the true love of your family. While other disappointed with their human errs, others shined like stars. And I am thankful for them all. You are made up of everything you encounter, good and bad. All that matters is if at the end of it, you can look yourself in the mirror.

I am proud of what I did for my Dad. His final gift to me, was showing me that no matter what happens in my life, I made a difference to at least one person on this earth. I was my Dad's person, I guided him through his last days with laughter and love. I said all those things you forget to tell your parents, or can't because they are so crazy.
posted by VCooper @ 9:49 AM   0 comments
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About Me

Name: VCooper
Home: Bogart, Ga, United States
About Me: I am an aspiring writer
See my complete profile
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